Fame | August Pfluger net worth and salary income estimation Mar, 2024
How old is August Pfluger? When is August Pfluger's birthday? Where is August Pfluger born? Where did August Pfluger grow up from? What's August Pfluger's age?
August Pfluger Born: December 28, 1978 (age 44years), Harris County, Texas, United States
How about August Pfluger's education?
August Pfluger Education: Maxwell Air Force Base (2012), MORE
How about August Pfluger's current office?
August Pfluger Current office: Representative (R-TX 11th District) since 2021
Who is the congressman for Odessa?
The district is contained predominantly in Travis County with a small portion of Williamson County, and consists of the majority of the city of Austin as well as small areas of its suburbs.
How large is the House of Representatives?
The district is contained predominantly in Travis County with a small portion of Williamson County, and consists of the majority of the city of Austin as well as small areas of its suburbs.
Who is the US representative for Texas 2023?
The district is contained predominantly in Travis County with a small portion of Williamson County, and consists of the majority of the city of Austin as well as small areas of its suburbs.
Where is district 37 in Texas?
The district is contained predominantly in Travis County with a small portion of Williamson County, and consists of the majority of the city of Austin as well as small areas of its suburbs.