Pathfinder 2E - Looking for feedback on a Homebrew Class: the Puppet Master

Publish date: 2024-07-23
What I am about to say is only my perspective- it can be flawed, and any recommendations I give that you don't like you don't have to take. Additionally, I do not know your class as well as you do- something as simple as a misread sentence or missed feat can lead to a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of power and/or use; on the contrary, this also means that I don't know the exact thing that each ability is trying to achieve. That being said...

First off, I recommend removing "Puppet Master attack proficiency," as it is something no other class has and can be confusing- from my first reading, it seems that only Tether Strike uses it. What I think you mean is something similar to spell attack, which is something this class doesn't get, as it cannot cast spells.
For Tether Strike, I'd recommend that you use the creature's bonus to attack instead- this gets around the aforementioned Puppet Master attack proficiency, and I think it feels more flavorful for what you are doing- you are manipulating a creature to make an attack, not making one yourself. Additionally, I'd recommend clearing up the damage portion of this- if the attack really gives only the creature's strength, it's not worth your time to use the action to attack.
For Puppet Manipulation, I would make this on willing creatures only- being able to affect any creature with this hit huge- 25 feet of movement and an attack? Attack the ground and then jump off a nearby cliff. If you are dead set on making it able to affect any creature, then I recommend you change how the ability functions- it seems this is meant to be something to use offensively, but it is quite similar to Tether Strike already. I should also mention that a "Basic Will Save" is for damaging attacks, not status spells- you'll have to make specific situations for each pass/fail state.
For Spectacles, Finger Puppets is the blatantly best option- it's too good. Low level skills should not allow more than trained, even if it's just performance, and you should say "choice of skill X or skill Y." Instead of saying "subtract 2 from will," say they "take a -2 status penalty on their will save."
5 foot step does not exist in 2E- while there is an action that does that (the Step action), it is not free, requiring a single action to do. Instead, I'd say "each ally that starts their turn within 30 feet of you may take a single Step action [5 ft step] as a free action. If they do not use this free action, they lose it at the end of their turn."
For Coordinated Troupe, I'd recommend making it a Reaction to use instead- just a flat "remove flat footed" is really good- too good as just a class ability, I say. I'd also add a prerequisite on the Reaction of "You must aware of the attacking creature not be flat footed against them."
Any time your increase offensive proficiencies, don't forget weapons- you're not going to be within 30 of an ally every time, and if you need to make an attack yourself, your odds will be bad.
Eye in the Crowd looks like a good ability to me, although I think it should be given at a higher level, maybe ~15th.
Play to your strengths makes Tether Strike viable, but you're 15th level- it should not take this long for a schtick to become usable.
Tough stuff should make a success become a crit success.
Effortless coordinator is too good for the same reason Finger Puppets it too good.
For Seamless Performance, you've got to spell out what exact conditions it applies on, not to mention how it's worded is a bit poor. The only situation condition that I can think that it works against is flat footed, and level 19 is effectively supposed to be a capstone- ignoring flat-footed is not, in my opinion, good enough.
Anytime you have a penalty or bonus, make sure it is either circumstance or status (item too, though this is most likely not going to be generated by a class). It may such that there's only two that you can choose from, but this is how the game is made.

As a last mention, I'd remove anything that qualifies as "meme speech" - Things like "gotcha bitch!" and "Why are you hitting yourself?" are good examples.

Overall, I think it has a great concept, so keep working- just remember that if you would never use it as a player or would hate it as a DM, it's most likely not a good thing to include.
