D&D 5E - Hezrou demon redesign

Publish date: 2024-08-05
Back in 2014 Christopher Burdett shared his design sketches for a redesign of the hezrou demon. He describes it as a "giant fat frog demon", like several Monster Manuals have done, and while his artwork is terrific, the end product looks very much like a slaad... with more spikes. This was the final concept that informed the 5e Monster Manual art. Monster-Manual-Hezrou-Demon.jpg

5e Monster Manual said:

Hezrous serve as foot soldiers in the demonic hordes of the Abyss. Although physically powerful, they are weakminded and hezrous can easily be duped into sacrificing themselves by more powerful demons. As they press their attacks into the heart of an enemy's forces, their foul stench can sicken even the toughest foes.

I've been working on an adventure involving demons, and realized that 5e’s take on the hezrou falls really flat. It's essentially a bigger version of a stinky dretch. A big sack of HP that’s described as a “foot soldier” with negligible lore. Even the brutish barlgura – which fills a very similar “foot soldier” role – is more mechanically interesting. So I'm going to redesign this demon, keeping the essence of the monster but making it more interesting artistically, lore-wise, and mechanically.

Do you have any suggestions for the hezrou's artistic representation, lore, or mechanics? Things that you've done with it in your own games?

In the spoiler below, I go through the hezrou demon in each edition of D&D from 1e to 5e, so you can follow my design thinking.

Spoiler: Hezrou through the editions Type_II_Demon.JPG

1e: Monster Manual

Art: The “Type II” demon looks like a twisted chubby big-mouthed lizardman that’s dancing.



2e: Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix

Art: The Diterlizzi art doubles down on the frog-ish look and gives it an even larger mouth.



3.5e: Monster Manual

Art: In this edition, the hezrou looks more like a hulking brute with glowering eyes underneath spiky brows, growths and spikes growing over its body. Its mouth remains wide.



4e: Monster Manual

Art: Pretty much identical to 3.5e.



5e: Monster Manual

Art: Looks alot like a spikier take on a bulky slaad. Like the slaad, it has a wide mouth.



I am still playing with some sketches, but here's what I've come up with regarding its lore and mechanics. Trying to keep my changes as effective and minimally invasive to the existing stat block as possible.



Mechanics: Innate Spellcasting
If barlgura can have Innate Spellcasting, so can the hezrou…or if not spellcasting, then special/magical abilities. I’m going through each spell it got in older editions to evaluate the spell against the “demonic sergeant” theme.
Proposed Mechanical Changes (rough draft):
Here is my design thinking for Caustic Miasma...

First, it's an action to activate. That means the hezrou forgoes its first round of claw/claw/bite (37 average damage). A character moving through the Caustic Miasma takes 14 (4d6) acid damage. It seems rare to find a party that doesn't have two characters who engage in melee on the regular, so if a party braves the miasma that is 28 acid damage. In this case, the hezrou may have sacrificed a little bit of damage (but maybe not - see below). However, if three characters brave the Caustic Miasma that jumps up to 42 acid damage, which eclipses the hezrou's single-round damage. Which is why I dropped its HP just to be safe.

There are a couple ways to deal with Caustic Miasma – dispel magic works because it's a magical effect, gust of wind could blow it away, or dealing a lot of damage to the hezrou (either via a Sharpshooter, adding advantage to a ranged attack to negate disadvantage, or a spell requiring a save). However, the damage route is hard because the hezrou has +8 CON, so even 36 damage would be a DC 18 Con save, giving the hezrou a 50/50 chance. Or you could lure the hezrou into overextending itself / its forces, withdraw briefly, and then mount a followup attack after it drops the concentration thinking the battle was over.

The size (20-ft radius) is intended to prevent melee characters from being able to move and attack in the same round, unless they have freedom of movement or haste, are a rogue using Cunning Action, a fighter using Action Surge, a 5th level barbarian, a monk, are a race with 40 speed or speed features (e.g. tabaxi). If a character moves adjacent to the hezrou but wasn't able to attack in the same turn, the hezrou will have its dretches or whatever minions push past those characters, deliberately provoking opportunity attacks. The hezrou does this because it wants to claw/claw/bite, then move back 20 feet without provoking. Now, the characters are faced with the prospect of having to reenter the Caustic Miasma for more damage.
