The 12 Laws of the Universe: How These Important ...

Publish date: 2024-08-06

Did you know that there are 12 laws of the universe? You’re probably pretty familiar with the Law of Attraction, its popularity having been spearheaded by celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, who believe the Law of Attraction is responsible for their success.

You may have even heard of the Law of Vibration, but there are actually 10 other powerful universal laws that make up the 12 laws of the universe and govern the way the universe, and our world, works.

The strongly intertwined spiritual laws can impact every aspect of our lives and you may be working with some of these and not even know it.

Each of the 12 laws of the universe teaches us something uniquely important about our happiness, wellbeing, and how to form our destinies. I have created this simple guide to help you as you journey through the twelve universal laws and how they can benefit and enrich your life.

It’s our misunderstanding or complete lack of knowledge of these laws, that leave us feeling lost, frustrated, and alone.

Those who live their lives with awareness and respect for these 12 laws of the universe find their lives become full of positivity and possibility. When you first step into the world of the universal laws it can feel complicated and work heavy but it’s best to just begin by trying to understand what each law resides over and some simple ways that you can use them to enrich your life.

Read to find out about each of the 12 laws of the universe and how you can use them to influence your current path and drive forth your greatest hopes and dreams.

Law of Divine Oneness

The law of divine oneness is the foundational law. A law upon which all the other laws have been built. Although it is always listed with the 12 laws of the universe it serves a higher purpose than many of the others.

It’s like the supports of a house, without it all the other laws would crumble into nothingness. It’s built upon the belief that everyone and everything is interconnected. That everything you think, say, or do has an impact on the world around you.

It can be strange trying to pull into focus the idea that not only are you connected to your neighbor, but also to the trees in your garden, the river that runs through your town and looking even further, the lives of those you have never met. 

Everything has its place in the universe and this place, because of its strong connections with everything else, would damage everything else if it was lost.

Think of the trees, no they’re not sentient, but without them, our production of oxygen would be almost nil, our carbon dioxide levels would soar, we would have no cooling shade from the blazing sun. That is how that tree is connected to you.

But how are you connected to it? Well, your behavior for one. Do you litter? Do you cut them down? Do you have no respect for them might of the tree? These behaviors will impact the tree just as its behaviors and life force affect yours. It is our vibrational energies that connect us to everything else.

Although the Law of Divine Oneness isn’t a law that you apply quite like the others, there are a few things you could do to honor this foundational law:

Law of Vibration

I’ve delved deep into the Law of Vibration before and if you want to know everything you need to know about it go here. As of right now, I’ll give you a quick rundown of what this powerful law is all about. 

The Law of Vibration hinges on how everything in our universe vibrates at a micro-cellular level. That everything is constantly moving, never resting, but that these vibrations are all very different.

Science itself has proved that at an atomic level everything is constantly moving. Bashing against one another, these atoms are our vibrational energy source. Everything has its very own vibrational frequency and vibrations are attuned to other similar vibrations. 

This is where the talk of high or good vibrations comes from. If there is something you desire you are going to need your vibrational frequency to match that of the very thing you want. 

So how do you use the law of vibration? The best way to use the law of vibration is to raise your own vibration frequency. Most of the common methods out there are fairly simple, and just require a little dedication to placing them into your daily life.

Like, meditation, nourishing your body with high vibrational foods, removing low vibrational people, places, and experiences from your life where possible, and, remaining grateful and positive in your current life experience.

Some of the things you can use the law of vibration for are attracting positive relationships, financial wealth, and good physical health. 

Now I know what you’re thinking, isn’t that the law of attractionWell yes and no. Look at it this way. Without the law of vibration, the law of attraction would become obsolete. Without the knowledge of how vibrational energies works we wouldn’t be able to attract anything to us. The law of vibration can fully function on its own.

Law of Correspondence

The third law of the 12 laws of the universe is all about how our internal existence directly reflects our external existence. The outer world and the inner world. Quotes that you may have come across before such as ‘as above, so below’ and ‘as within, so without’ help us to understand the guiding principles of this law. 

In other words, if our inner self is joyful, our outer world and experience will be joyful. Unfortunately, this also means if we feel chaotic and in turmoil inside, our other world with mirror this. The world we have created within our consciousness and subconsciousness will begin to form in our external experiences. 

The mind is a complex mesh of mechanisms, emotions, thoughts, and images. It doesn’t matter what efforts you pursue to change your physical world. If the state of your mind is full of negativity, loathing for yourself or the life you currently have, and hatred for the people that surround you, you will struggle to see any improvement in your life. If anything you may experience more negativity and unwanted situations. 

Escaping this merry-go-round of negative thought is the key to improving your life and halting the transferral of negativity from just our thoughts, to our outside world. This can be a tough law to put into action if you have lived your life in a state of unhappiness for a long time. 

To use the law of correspondence you must first dig deep and sicker the true reality behind your negative thoughts and feelings. Without clarity, you can’t forge a positive path forward. You need to start paying attention to your thoughts and changing them. Start noticing the incredible things you do have. Special friends, a secret spot that brings you peace, or the simplicity of a Sunday morning spent in your garden with a cup of tea. 

Your inner world is your true source of power when it comes to changing your external reality. Start a gratitude journal, or meditate for a few minutes every day focusing on the good you have. This subtle shift will slowly build to a monumental title wave that will begin to alter your physical experiences. Opening the doors for good to come to you.

Law of Attraction

The law of attraction states that like attracts like. It is very similar to the principles of the law of vibration but it has a stronger focus on how you live attracts the same.

It may also be one of the 12 laws of the universe that you are most familiar with already, especially if you have an interest in manifestation. You actually don’t attract what you want, but rather you attract how you currently live. 

Your desire is not always enough. If your desire is staunched in fear, desperation, or anger you are already telling the universe you don’t truly believe what you desire is what you deserve. Instead, that fear or desperation you are sending out into the universe is what will be returned to you.

So how do you live like you already have what you desire? This feels both simple and difficult depending on the size of your goal. If you desire financial freedom it can be difficult to live as though you already are if you are worried about how you are going to pay this month’s rent.

Trust me I get it, but this world of our, this society is built upon the need for people to feel fearful. As it’s our fears that keep us subdued and unable to reach our full potential.

Some excellent ways to shift the way you ask the universe for what you desire are:

Much like the law of vibration, your goal here is to raise your frequency. To surround yourself with positivity and gratitude for the life you currently live.

To banish those feelings of ‘the grass is greener’ and truly enjoy the world you have now while leaving the doors of opportunity wide open to whatever may be coming your way. 

Law of Inspired Action

The law of inspired action is another of the 12 laws of the universe that are deeply intertwined in how the law of attraction works. This law’s guiding principle states that action is, or must be taken, to create any sort of change you wish to make

As much as you think positively, scribble in your manifestation journal, and dedicate your mornings to your affirmations, if you aren’t willing to take concrete action inspired by these goals and dreams they will become nothing more than just that.

It’s by forgetting the importance of this law that many feel there is no truth behind the power of manifestation. Of course, nothing good will happen, you won’t see your bank balance increase or find your one true love if you are unwilling to make actionable steps towards those goals.

The universe can only do so much. It can put these opportunities in your path but you must want to jump on them and act if you truly want to see change.

But we’re talking about inspired action here, right? You know that gentle internal nudge, that pulls to go somewhere or do something. That could be your intuition telling you now is the time.

An inspired action isn’t a plan you create but a deeper knowledge of yourself and the ability to recognize those moments you need to get up and do something to move forward.

This is something that believers of the law of attraction, and particularly followers of The Secret are missing because bringing about your greatest goals and desires isn’t just about a deep belief. It requires more to be successful.

Using this law can feel a bit loosey-goosey. The best thing you can do once you recognize the importance of this law is to work at reconnecting with your intuition. It’s this gut feeling, these epiphanies that will enlighten you as to what inspired action is required.

Law of Transmutation of Energy

The law of transmutation of energy states that everything is in a constant state of flux and that everything is energy. Science tells us that energy cannot be destroyed, but can change and evolve. Energy is always in motion even at an atomic level. Even though you cannot see it, it’s happening.

This law teaches us how even our thoughts and feelings are energy. Energy that will transform into more physical things. So fraught emotional energy will eventually become fraught situations. With the law of transmutation of energy, we are told we must reframe our energies from negative to positive. For example, anger can be changed to passion and anxiousness to excitement.

This is where the phrase ‘ thoughts become things’ is believed to have come from. 

So how can we use the principles of the law of transmutation of energy for our benefit? Well, it takes a little practice. It’s hard to refocus strong negative emotions into more positive ones that we can benefit from. 

Really it all comes down to choice. You either choose to wallow in your pain, or you choose to feel it just long enough to accept it and then channel it into more positive energy. Journalling can be a fantastic way for us to work through our negative thoughts and feelings, honoring the importance of those feelings and then moving on to feeling good.

Law of Cause and Effect

One of the easiest to understand and fairly straightforward of the 12 laws of the universe is the law of cause and effect. It tells us that with every action there will be a corresponding reaction. We all know that if we drop a ball out of a window, it will fall to the ground. This is a physical representation of the law of cause and effect. Spiritually it is very similar.

This law teaches us that we need to be fully conscious about how our physical world affects our spirituality and also vice versa. It also teaches us how to be through every aspect of our life. What we reap in our lives is exactly what we sow. Call it karma if you will, but all it really means is if you want calmness, joy, love, and freedom you will have to send this out to those around you.

To use this law to your advantage you will need to look at every aspect of your life. Are you laying the foundations that will breed your desired outcome? If you answer no, it’s time to switch up how you think, feel, and behave. Some things that happen to us may not be caused by something we have done, but they do have a cause. This law is all about controlling what we can through our own actions. 

Becoming more mindful in your day-to-day life can be a great way to bring to focus those unconscious things you do every single day. Recognize the little things and the big things that breed negativity. That coffee cup you keep leaving on the side for your partner to wash up can garner resentments and anger – wash it up yourself to replace this resentment with appreciation. See a neighbor walking in the rain, they may feel sadness when no one tries to help – offer them a ride, they may refuse but you have given them faith in the kindness of people which has bred positivity.

Do you see where I’m going here? Your thoughts, feelings, and actions, if negative, always have a victim, and sometimes it isn’t just you. 

Law of Compensation

The law of compensation, the eighth of the 12 laws of the universe, tells us that we will receive what we put out. So deeply intertwined with many of the previous laws, it can seem similar to them. It has a stronger focus on compensation as we would understand the word and the many forms it can appear in.

Whatever you think, feel, or do, will create a form of compensation equal to it. We receive in life exactly what we deserve for all these things that we do and everything we do creates an outcome equal to the amount of effort we have put in. 

Much like the law of cause and effect, you have to become more consciously aware of what behaviors, thoughts, and feelings you are entering into your physical and spiritual worlds. For Christians, the ‘treat how you wish to be treated’ quote works incredibly well here.

Treat the world and its inhabitants will love, care, and joy and that is what you will experience. Treat the world with venom, contempt, and hatred and you will never experience anything else but this. 

Law of Relativity

The law of relativity states that everything that happens is neutral. It is neither good nor bad but rather an opportunity for growth and change. We do not need to judge the things that happen to us as favorable or unfavorable, we need to view them from a place of neutrality. 

Our reaction to the things that happen to us and around us is what can shift our frequency out of balance, affecting the goals we are pursuing. This law and its guiding principle helps us to realize that there are always multiple perspectives surrounding the things we experience. 

Using this law in our daily lives can shift our perspectives because now, everything is relative. For example, a day that is cool to you if you come from a hot country is warm to someone coming from a very cool country. Do you see what I mean by everything being relative? It’s a fairly simplistic example but it works.

We can realize that it’s all in the way that we look at things. Use this law to slow down. To take a look at situations from more than one perspective. With this, you can become more grateful for what you do have. You can create pleasure in things that before used to bring you pain

Because there’s always someone out there who wishes they had what you have. This law teaches us to find the good in the people, places, and situations we are constantly surrounded by.

Law of Polarity

The law of polarity is centered around the idea that there are two ends to everything. Everything has its equal opposite. Something that is part of its whole being even if it does not look the same. Without these opposites, we would never truly understand the world around us. 

Without the heat of summer, we couldn’t grasp the coldness of winter. Without feelings of loss, we can never truly appreciate what we gain. This law is all about the strength of our resilience.

Experiencing the bad gives us a power that makes us strong and more able to truly enjoy the good. Without one, there is no other. This powerful tool bestowed upon us by the law of polarity provides us with the opportunity to change our mindset, which breeds success, joy, and happiness.

Using the law of polarity in our daily lives is as simple as consistently reminding ourselves of its meaning. Know that everything has an end and with that end comes a new beginning and fresh possibilities. Use your negative experiences to teach what you don’t want, need, or desire and amazing experiences as confirmation of the path you are on. 

This law gives us the strength to fight on through situations we are not enjoying because it tells us that the good is just around the corner, as long as we can recognize and appreciate it for what it is.

Law of Rhythm

Sometimes called the law of perpetual motion, the law of rhythm is focused on movement in the form of natural rhythms. You can see these natural rhythms in things like the tides of the oceans, our natural aging process, the seasons of the year, and even your breathing.

Everything in life, and death, has a cycle that by nature must continue undisturbed to keep everything in balance. This law is always in motion and working continuously. It teaches us that everything in our universe works on its own clock and forcing anything can throw everything out of order. 

The law of rhythm teaches us patience and to trust in the universe. Go with the natural flow and you will find that everything shows up and begins as and when it should do.

It all sounds very lovely, but at our core, human beings are not patient. We want what we want, and we want it right now. Am I right? So how can we apply the law of rhythm to our lives?

Checking in on your thoughts and mental state is a great place to start. Meditation, yoga, and gratitude journals can help us slow down, appreciate and practice our patience. You also need to learn to let go. 

Let go of attachments to people, ideas, and material things. You can enjoy them but don’t be attached to the outcomes you expect these things to bring to you. It seldom works out the way you plan. Leaning into the natural cycles of life can free you from the pressures and worries of what lies ahead.

Law of Gender

The last of the 12 laws of the universe is the law of gender. You might assume it is to do with our biological sex but you would be wrong – I know it was the first time I came across it. Instead, the law of gender is focused on the idea that everything has masculine and feminine energy. It is tied very closely to the law of polarity.

One example of the law of gender that you may be familiar with is the Chinese philosophy of Yin and Yang. These similar ideas show us how everything has its complementary opposite that provides balance. Because everything is made of energy, everything possesses both of these masculine and feline energies. It is creating a balance between these energies that this law teaches us.

We cannot be whole without both, one cannot be stronger than the other. This balance is what helps us to live authentically and with joy and happiness. You need to embrace both parts of yourself as these are the energies that make you who you are. 

Of all the laws, I truly believe this is the most important of the 12 laws of the universe. Our internal balance fosters a fertile ground for all of the other laws to work and function. Without this balance we are nothing but how can we nurture this balance? 

You need to spend time with yourself, learn to love all that you are. Appreciate everything you do. Outward expressions of female energy include love, patience, and gentleness.

Whereas outward expressions of male energies include logic, self-reliance, and intellect – now before you say anything, remember this has nothing to do with our actual physical genders. 

You need to focus on all these different qualities within yourself to gain balance within your own mind and inner being.

Final Thoughts

The 12 Laws of the universe have been around for centuries and learning to use them and apply them to our daily lives can reap incredible benefits. Yes, you can use them for manifestation but they are a wonderful and powerful tool to just becoming happier and far more content. You don’t need to use them only when you have something you desire.

By not living in alignment with these natural laws you can feel out of control, chaotic, and unhappy. So really they are the key to making your life exactly how you want and need it to be.
